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RAF Leuchars Battle of Britain at Home Day 2013

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Re: RAF Leuchars Battle of Britain at Home Day 2013

Post by onemac » Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:21 pm

leuchars12 wrote:lol i wont get involved from a slagging match
leuchars12 wrote:flight line rope was far to close to the static line most of us had to move away from the dutch tanker as they started up its engines for 20 mins about 10 spectators had to move as the noise was deafing
Bummer - because all it would have taken was for you to wander north east a few yards and there was oodles of space between the crowd line and the burger vans. Ear plugs and ear defenders were on sale at the show at reasonable prices from many traders - you should expect noise at an airshow (great tip for the future).
leuchars12 wrote:i was at 08 end and most shots of take offs had some sort of speakers on them now remember guys not all of us have expensive lenses for the basic joe bloggs
All it would have taken (regardless of lens size) was a few practice pans to establish when NOT to press the shutter release or wander up the crowd line until the speakers were out of the way.

leuchars12 wrote:it was a pain at one point the rope was actually force way fwrd at one point because some of the tanker static planes were far to close to the spectator line and at times it was like sardines
I had no problem with my 28-135mm lens when standing just up from the tankers - crowd was thin enough to wander up and down to get the shot without me having to force the rope forward.

Now I'm not going to get involved in a slagging match either but with a little thought and minimal effort you could have had a great day on the crowd line. Instead you berate the efforts of the organising team and come back on the forum to clearly reiterate your views. You are entitled of course but if you are going to continue to moan about things that you did nothing about then my opinion is you may have more members telling you to man up.


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Re: RAF Leuchars Battle of Britain at Home Day 2013

Post by np1991 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:26 pm

leuchars12 wrote:lol i wont get involved from a slagging match flight line rope was far to close to the static line most of us had to move away from the dutch tanker as they started up its engines for 20 mins about 10 spectators had to move as the noise was deafing
i was at 08 end and most shots of take offs had some sort of speakers on them now remember guys not all of us have expensive lenses for the basic joe bloggs it was a pain at one point the rope was actually force way fwrd at one point because some of the tanker static planes were far to close to the spectator line and at times it was like sardines
:S What was so hard about moving? It's not as if you had to stay at that particular part of the airfield.

I've had a great five days in Fife. Well done to the Airshow Organisers :clap:
Cheers Niall

Nikon D7200
Nikon 70-200mm f2.8
Nikon 300mm f2.8
Nikon 18-140mm

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/59398793@N03/

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Re: RAF Leuchars Battle of Britain at Home Day 2013

Post by Mike » Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:29 pm

I'm not getting involved and I refuse to comment.

Very, very well said Al, Ross, Chris & Niall. :thumbs: :thumbs: :clap: :clap: :thumb: :lol:

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