Cat 1: Governmental/presidential aircraft (Can be taken anytime)
HS125 Lining up to depart Lossie

HS125 by np1991, on Flickr
Cat 2:Close up: Line-up of tails
Fly Navy Hawks

Fly Navy Tails by np1991, on Flickr
Cat 3: Action: Panning
Lossie Tornado at 1/25th

Shutter Speed Challenge - 1/25th by np1991, on Flickr
Cat 4: Weather: Dark storm cloud backgrounds (Can be taken anytime)
P3C launches during Joint Warrior 12-1

P3C by np1991, on Flickr
Cat 5: Angle: Topside - proper topside, roughly over 45 degrees of bank, not just slight
Role Demo Practice

Role Demo by np1991, on Flickr