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Birlingham collection

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Birlingham collection

Post by 100arw » Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:20 pm

A message from Barry Love re the Birlingham Classic Aircraft collection. Plus drone view of collection:


<<UPDATE: 8th January, 2025: The Crowdfunder appeal to save two of the aircraft (aiming for £12,000) will expire this Sunday 12th January, 2025, but it has sadly fallen too far short of target, so if we are to maintain any hope to support the 'rescue' of the Meteor and Jet Provost, we have to make major proposal changes.

The current total raised in pledges is just £3265, therefore as there is insufficient funding available to buy either one of the aircraft to move to Wellesbourne, we have had to seek different homes for both of them. One possibility had been interest in the JP from Sleap museum, but they, too, have had to withdraw through lack of local support, unfortunately...
Currently, a museum in Kent is seriously looking at taking on the Meteor, and a corporate buyer is now considering purchase of the Provost, so we are proposing a change in use of the pledges raised thus far: principally, by splitting the net total into subsidies to assist the purchase, dismantling and transport of both aircraft to their new homes, in accordance with the original principle and full intention of saving these two jets from certain scrapping.

Fully updated proposal details will be posted into the edited appeal webpage imminently, and direct messages will go out to all donors, offering full cancellation of their pledges (if desired), although it is hoped that most (or perhaps all) donors will remain as supporters of the retained aim of saving these aircraft, albeit in different locations than originally proposed; at least the aircraft will be safe, and receive the restorations that they so richly deserve after so long out in all manner of weather conditions...
I am going to try to extend the appeal again, but just in case, the above changes will have to stand.>>


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