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Introduce yourselves

For general modelling chat and discussion.

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Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by MRTT » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:00 pm

Welcome to the forum! :thumbs:

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Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by onemac » Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:16 am

Hi, my name is Al and I'm an alco.... sorry, wrong group. Some of you may know of my existence from the Photography section. I live in Lossie (lucky me) and took early retirement before they kicked me out which leaves plenty time for modelling and photography. Now I'm essentially a returnee to the hobby which completely absorbed my teenage years with a couple of unsuccessful forays in between then and now but the gap can be counted in decades - three at least but nearer four so I look upon myself as a relative noob. I had an accident several years back which affected both my motor skills and sensation so I can pick up a delicate bit of plastic and squash it unintentionally. Airbrushing is a complete new world and being partially colour-blind doesn't help but I'm here and may post my completed builds occasionally. I'm mainly into 1/48th but do like the occasional 1/32nd scale - 1/72 is out as I usually have trouble seeing the box, opening it and wondering what to do with all the teeny-weeny bits inside (then usually proceed to crush them).

Anyway, hello......


Captain Haddock
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Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:36 pm

Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by Captain Haddock » Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:32 pm

Hi Folks
Just joined the Fighter Control community, so I thought I'd say hello to all you modellers. Like most modellers my stash is far to big, but I keep telling my wife it will give me something to do when I retire. I got back into modelling when my two boys came along, we picked up a Airfix Tucano at a carboot sale, made it, sprayed it black with a Humbrol rattle can, it was soon then hanging from my eldest ceiling. 15 years down the line and I have progressed to airbrushes and what must be £500 worth of paint. At the present I'm making a DH Mosquito in all the scales that are available plastic, I've finished the 1/144, 1/48 and 1/32 models just the Frog 1/72 (Yes Frog) and the Airfix 1/24 to go, just got to find somewhere to put them!




Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by cheesecake » Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:31 am

Hi all
Froggy on line... First, excuse for my english, i left schook since a longtime !
Introduce by Jay after a quest on another forum dedicated to Diecast planes...


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Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by Budgie516 » Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:52 pm

Afternoon folks I’m Garry or “Budgie” I’m up here in Elgin, i was stationed at Lossie and got the nickname when working in stores on 202 Sqn. I’ve got back in to building models to helps with my PTSD, plus the reaction of my nephews faces when the get a new model for there ceiling. I’m hoping to build a selection of aircraft from the 3 Scottish stations from over ther years. I’ve already got 2 buccs, 3 Tornado GR4 and 1 F3 hopefully I will pictures soon once I start.

Jon Harrowing
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Re: Introduce yourselves

Post by Jon Harrowing » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:39 am

Hi Guys....

Well my name is Jon Harrowing and I have the 'claim to infamy' as being the the original creator of Fighter Control back in 2000 and then turning it in to a Message Board in 2003!

A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then... and during one of my 'Low Periods' I started modelling again a few years ago... but I haven't completed or started a model for well over two years now. I think it's about time I did.

I'm no expert modeller by quite a fair amount. I dabble. I need to get a little bit more serious with my modelling. I'm hoping to get some tips and inspiration from you guys along the way.



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