In July 1979 I photographed an ex Moroccan AF C-47A passing through Southend, not that unusual in those days so I only took one photo with my precious expensive Kodak 64 slide film. Unfortunately on processing I discovered it had suffered shutter shake and produced an image that was unusable !
N54608 C-47A ex Morrocan AF 42-92136 by
Keith Heywood, on Flickr
Fast forward 46 years and I processed a scan of the original image with Topaz AI, I am still learning how to use it but the quick result is a much improve image:
N54608 C-47A ex Moroccan AF 92136 by
Keith Heywood, on Flickr
Topaz AI is not cheap but worth considering if you want to recover some old scans....
The C-47A N54608 was ex Moroccan AF 92136 with previous US service 42-92136 / RAF FL544 and BOAC / BEA / Cambrian G-AGIP