P-51D '4823'/001 'Shark of Zambales'. Previously displayed outside as '3373', this is thought to be ex 44-74627 and 44-73373...

Those outside include C-47D 43-48301...

Philippines Government YS-11A RP77...

UH-34D 153131...

F-86D 524140...

F-5A 13326/1 of the 'Blue Diamonds' (named 'Hari Tupas')...

F-8H 147056/313...

Also, Philippines Government Bell 412HP RP2000 was caught departing...

On to Clark, a few displayed at the Airforce Park include another F-8H, 48661/301 (ex 148661)...

And F-5A 10507 (ex 65-10507)...

Close by, just inside the perimeter fence, are a couple of retired airframes, including F-27-200 10246...

Just then, arriving and landing on this clearing/field was PZL W-3A Sokol 310921. All delivered in 2012, its thought the PhAF has eight of these in service, with some/all reported to be based here or in Dauis...

Finally, Dornier Technology has a facility here involved in the production and assembly of the Dornier S-Ray 007 two-seat amphibious aircraft. As well as this, Irén Dornier also owns SEAir, which share the facility and ramp. Irén's personal aircraft include Alouette II RP-C99 (ex 75+23), Bo105M RP-C3699 (ex 80+18) recently written off after an accident, and this very nice Alpha Jet A RP-C999 registered to Dornier No Limits GmbH (anyone confirm the former serial?)...